Wednesday, 31 July 2013

BSU Markurdi Postpone Post UTME Date to August 2nd, 2013

This is to inform prospective candidates and the general public that the Post University Tertiary Matriculation Examination (PUTME) screening exercise for the 2013/2014 academic session of the Benue State University shall commence from Friday 26th July, 2013 and end on Friday 2nd August, 2013. 

Note these...

1. Candidates are to note that the screening exercise shall be Computer Based. However, there may be pencil and paper based screening exercise for candidates who are not Computer literate.
2. A detailed time-table for the screening exercise is now available here for candidates to cross-check and note the dates they are expected to turn up for the exercise.
3. Manual copies of the time-table are also pasted on notice boards on the University Campus for cross checking by those who cannot easily access the website.
4. The screening exercise would be conducted in two venues, namely:
i. Computer Based Screening: Chemistry Complex, Western Campus.
ii. Pencil and paper Screening: Faculty of candidate’s choice.
5. Candidates are to further note that only those who scored 180 points and above in the University Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) are qualified for the screening.


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